Introduction to HTML5

08:11:00 , 0 Comments

What is HTML?
  • HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • HTML is basically a programming language which is used for structuring the content in web.
  • It is used for creating Webpages and Web applications with other Programming Languages like Javascript ,PHP etc.
  • HTML is an essential part of a Webpage as it is the building block of a web.
  • HTML elements consists of various tags For Example :
<p>Your Content Here</p>

Here the tag "<p>" stands for Paragraph This tag is basically used for starting a Paragraph.

What is HTML5?

  • HTML5 is a web standard dialect. It is the new and current version of HTML.
  • It was published by W3C in 2014.
  • HTML5 has now become so simple and easy to use.
  • This version of HTML supports the latest Multimedia also it is very friendly with the browser.
  • It has now included new tags which are simple and straightforward for example:
<video><source src="Here the link of Video"></video>
Here the tag for inserting video we used is "<video>" and for the source file we used tag "<source>" .

Mughees Ashraf

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.